Jason Glazer




President and Principal Engineer


Energy Analysis, Energy Code Development, Software Development,


B.S.M.E., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1988


Mr. Glazer is a mechanical engineer specializing in the use of building simulation software, software development of building simulation utilities, analysis of utility rates, and development of building energy codes.  He performs comparative energy and economic analyses of commercial buildings using building simulation programs.  This often includes assessing the annual operating cost savings of prototype heating and cooling equipment compared to typically used equipment to determine the potential of new equipment sales.

Mr. Glazer is the primary software developer for a DOE project that is focused on testing and support of the EnergyPlus software program.  In this role, he has helped create a comprehensive testing strategy for the latest building energy simulation program that included comparative, sensitivity, empirical, and analytic testing approaches.  In addition, he has developed many software components and utilities that are part of the EnergyPlus distribution:

IDF Editor – a utility to aid in preparing EnergyPlus input data files.  The IDF Editor is a dynamic self-configuring input file editor which automatically updates the input structure to match the current data dictionary.

EP-Launch – EP-Launch features include input file selection, input file editing, weather file selection, simulation execution, and output file viewing.

ExpandObjects – Used to convert simplified HVAC input into the more complex native EnergyPlus input objects.

DOE-2 to EnergyPlus Translator – a FORTRAN utility which translates portions of DOE-2.1E input files into an EnergyPlus IDF.

Tabular Reports – Added predefined and user definable verification and summary reports in IP and SI units similar to those available in DOE-2.1E including time dependent valuation (TDV) to support California’s Title 24.

HVAC Diagram – a utility program to generate HVAC system and equipment diagrams using the user provided input for the various components which are available within EnergyPlus to help the user build-up systems.

ConvertESOMTR – a utility to convert output reporting into IP units.

Utility Tariffs – a set of objects in EnergyPlus to model utility rates and tariffs in a flexible yet simple approach.

ParametricPreprocessor –a utility used to create a series of EnergyPlus input files from a single source EnergyPlus input file that contains parametric objects and expressions

EP-Compare – a utility used to compare the tabular results of multiple simulations in EnergyPlus including the Annual Building Energy Performance Summary report

Life-Cycle Cost – a set of objects in EnergyPlus that perform a life cycle cost analysis based upon user inputs and the results of an EnergyPlus building energy simulations

Mr. Glazer helped to assess how EnergyPlus could be used in the future development of Title 24 and how it could be adopted as the software program for the Alternative Compliance Method.  He also participated in software planning workshops that helped to define the rule set, rules interpreter, and compliance engine. He assisted PNNL in their effort to transition COMcheck to use EnergyPlus in a performance compliance approach.

Mr. Glazer completed an ASHRAE project to help the development of GPC-20 XML Definitions for HVAC/R. The project is examining the use-cases of people involved in designing and maintaining buildings to derive a set of data elements that should be implemented in any building information model.

In another ASHRAE project, Mr. Glazer identified 78 building energy performance rating methods and provided an in depth evaluation of five: USGBC LEED-NC/LEED-EB, ENERGY STAR Label for Buildings, BREEAM, ARCH/CALARCH, and ENERGYguide. In order to test and understand the ratings from these protocols, data from actual buildings was gathered.  Data on 29 buildings including 15 office buildings, nine schools, four hospitals, and a hotel were gathered and used for testing the rating protocols.  In addition, a supplementary database of buildings was developed based on a survey of buildings conducted by the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance.

Mr. Glazer has led a project for HUD to update the energy use estimates for use on HUD Form 52667.  He has performed an analysis using EIA/DOE Residential Energy Consumption Survey data using multiple linear regression to create the estimates.  He created a system to allow housing authorities a way to easily update Form 52667 for their areas. Statistical analysis of weather data was also included in this project.

In another software development project, Mr. Glazer worked on an assessment tool for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of combined cooling, heating and power systems in buildings.  These systems utilize waste heat from the power generation process to provide heating and cooling through the use of absorption chillers or desiccant dehumidification.  The software utilizes equipment performance and cost databases also developed under the project.

In one simulation study, Mr. Glazer assessed various options for how building standards should specify the minimum efficiency for cooling equipment.  In this study, a large set of simulations were used to examine the impact across the country and for various building types.

Mr. Glazer led a two-year project with Pacific Gas and Electric to provide algorithm and software development for a tool that translates gas engine and absorption chillers manufacturer’s and field monitored performance data into performance data compatible with DOE-2.  The performance data generated includes nominal performance, part load performance and temperature dependant performance. In addition, Mr. Glazer worked on a related project for PG&E to identify the information gaps and needs related to designing and operating gas and thermal chillers such as absorption and engine driven chillers.

Mr. Glazer is a voting member of the ASHRAE Standard 90.1 committee and chairs its Energy Cost Budget subcommittee and helped create Appendix G which is used by USGBC LEED and the commercial tax deduction for efficient buildings.  Mr. Glazer has assessed the energy savings of the revision to 90.1 nationwide for the gas industry. Mr. Glazer is also the chair for a new ASHRAE standards committee 209 titled “Energy Simulation Aided Design for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.”

Mr. Glazer has authored software to evaluate complex utility rates, to manage large scale parametric analyses, to translate between different energy simulation languages, and to examine the potential savings of industrial compressed air systems.  He has maintained the data acquisition system software, hardware and sensors for a residential testing facility used for characterizing the performance and comfort of prototype heating and cooling equipment.

The BLDG-SIM mailing list which currently has over 2000 members was founded by Mr. Glazer. The www.onebuilding.org web site, which hosts the BLDG-SIM and the other simulation oriented mailing lists, is operated by Mr. Glazer and is the leading on-line community for building energy simulation users.

Prior to joining GARD, Mr. Glazer worked as a mechanical design engineer for a manufacturer of heat dissipation enclosures.  In addition to maintaining a proprietary hour-by-hour energy analysis simulation program that models systems with large thermal masses, he integrated this program into the design environment in order to study the effects of heat exchanger design parameters on cost and performance.


Member of ASHRAE Standard 90.1 on energy use in commercial buildings, Chair of the Energy Cost Budget Subcommittee

Chair of ASHRAE Standard 209 Energy Simulation Aided Design for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.

International Building Performance Simulation Association


Registered Professional Engineer (PE), State of Illinois

Building Energy Modeling Professional (BEMP),  ASHRAE


IBPSA Innovative Application Award 2015 – International Building Performance Simulation Association


Glazer, J. Development of Maximum Technically Achievable Energy
Targets for Commercial Buildings – Ultra-Low Energy Use Building Set. ASHRAE 1651-RP. December 2015

Glazer, J. Update of the HUD-52668 Spreadsheet Model with Department of Energy Residential Consumption Survey Data from 2005. Housing and Urban Development. January 2011.

Athalye, R.A., Gowri, K., Glazer, J., Schultz, R.W., QuickSim Analysis Report. PNNL-19961. October 2010.

Gowri, K., Carlson, L., Glazer, J. EnergyPlus Modeling Guildelines for Performance-Based Code Compliance. PNNL-19970. Limited distribution report. September 2010.

Glazer, J. Common Data Definitions for HVAC&R Industry Applications (1354-3 RP), Transaction Paper. ASHRAE. June 2009.

Glazer. J. Gas Cooling Scoping Study. A series of PG&E technical reports. 2007 – 2009.

Glazer, J. Common Data Definitions for HVAC&R Industry Applications, Final Report. ASHRAE 1354-RP, September 2008

Glazer, J. Evaluation of Building Energy Performance Rating Protocols (1286-RP). Transactions Paper. ASHRAE. January 2008.

Glazer, J. Evaluation of Building Energy Performance Rating Protocols, Final Report. ASHRAE 1286-RP, December 2006.

Glazer, J. Linked Criteria Selection, A Vision for 90.1-2010. GARD Analytics, Inc., https://gard.com/lcs.zip.  June 2005.

Architectural Energy Corporation, Taylor Engineering, GARD Analytics. Evaluation of the EnergyPlus Software for use with the California Energy Efficiency Standards. PG&E. December 2004.

Witte, M.J., Henninger, R.H., Glazer, J, and D.B. Crawley, “Testing and Validation of a New Building Energy Simulation Program,” Proceedings, Building Simulation 2001, International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBSPA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2001.

Glazer, J., Cornell, Hedrick and Henninger, Energy Savings Analysis of the Revision to ASHRAE Standard 90.1, GRI-00/0116, September 2000.

Witte, M.J., J. Glazer, and R.H. Henninger, Market Opportunities for Applied Natural Gas Engine-Driven Hybrid Chiller Plants, Gas Research Institute, GRI-97/0026, January 1997.

Glazer, J. and Witte, M. J., Optimal Mix of Gas and Electric Packaged Cooling Units, Gas Research Institute, GRI-96/0269, September 1996.

Lady, G. M. and Glazer, J., Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-1989R Building Envelope Requirements, Gas Research Institute, GRI-97/0341, October 1997.

Energy Simulation Aided Design for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings