TC 7.8 Committee Meeting Notes

ASHRAE Summer 2004 Meeting – Nashville, Tennessee

Monday – June 28, 2004, 2:15 - 4:15 PM, Presidential Boardroom A

Draft 10/4/04

I.                  General

A.                  Chairman Klas Haglid called the meeting to order at 2:32 pm.

B.                  Meeting Attendance

1.        Members and Corresponding Members In Attendance: Klas Haglid, Jim Poulos, Matt Mullen, , John Schonder, Michaela Martin, Alex Sleiman, Jim Earley (Georgia Power), Bill Thomaston (Alabama Gas)

2.        Members not in attendance:), Bruce Lindsay, Wayne Webster, Richard Jones, Kirk Bond Wayne Robertson

3.        Guests: Richard Rooley (ASHRAE President), Ian Spanswick (York International), Barry Abramson (Servidyne), Chuck Dale-Derks (McClure Engineering), Ken Gillespie (Pacific Gas & Electric), Gary Debes – Handbook Liason, David McAllister – ASHRAE Technology Manager, Nance Lovvorn

4.        Roll Call/Quorum – no quorum as only 4 of 8 voting members present

C.                  Agenda Review

D.                 Anaheim, California Meeting Minutes Approval – deferred to a lack of quorum

II.                Chair’s Report (K. Haglid)

A.                  Announcements: TC/TG Chairs Meeting, etc.

1.        Pat Hughes will be taking over for Wayne Reedy as Research Liason.

2.        Mandatory Webmaster training will be held at Orlando. Klas will tell Terry Cornell.

B.                  Action Item Review

1.        RTAR work statement

III.              Subcommittee Reports

A.                  Handbook (John Shonder)

1.        May 15, 2005 draft of handbook chapter rewrite due to be followed by a year of review before publication.

2.        Comments on the handbook chapter are welcome to John including changes, deletions and additions. Comments due to John by November 15, 2004.

3.        John will transmit the chapter electronically to Matt for distribution to committee members.

4.        Gary Debes stated that the general membership feels the handbooks have become unusable and too academic.  

5.        Table 3 Ideas coupled with 1237-RP discussion:

a.       Table 3 should use information from database to be published in table indicating the date data as pulled

b.      Provide applet link to interactive database

c.      ASHRAE could develop standard queries that members could use to search the data.

B.                  Research (Jim Poulos)

1.        Research Subcommittee Chairs Meeting

a.       RAC has developed RTAR/Work Statement flow chart with weighting factors for rating them.

b.      Strategic Research Plan will be out in draft form at next summer’s meeting (Denver).  Strategic Research Plan hopes to be updated on 5 year cycles.

2.        Research Project 1237-TRP – Update and discussion of sampling rates and progress

a.       Barry reviewed the summary of the project objectives and where we are in the project.

b.      Barry requested a letter to companies who have not input the data yet cosigned by Klas Haglid and current ASHRAE President asking for their expediency in completing the input.

c.      Due to recent potential conflict of interest by Jim Poulos, Jim will need to step-down as chair of the Rsearch Project, Michaela will now take-over as chair of the RP.

2.        Work Statement for RTAR 2005-47, "Addition of Unitary Equipment to Interactive Web-Based Owning and Operating Cost Database

a.       Work statement will be written by Klas Haglid

2.        Other research activities

B.                  Program (M. Martin)

1.        Orlando Seminar – The Evolution of Table 3 & 4 Jim Poulos will organize

a.       OR&L Groundsource Heat Pumps Maintenance Cost Database – John Shonder

b.      The Origins of Table 3 – Jim Poulos

c.      A Preview of The New ASHRAE Interactive Maintenance Database – Barry Abramson

2.        Denver – Potential Forum: How would members like the data presented in the new Table 3.

II.                Section Liaison Reports

A.                  TC 1.5 - Computer Applications (W. Webster)

B.                  TC 1.7 - Operating and Maintenance Management & TC 1.9 B Electrical Systems (K. Bond)

C.                  TC 1.10 - Energy Resources (S. Hayter)

D.                 TC 5.5 – Air to Air Energy Recovery (K. Haglid)

1.        Air to air heat exchangers are included on 1237-TRP database list of equipment.

E.                  TC 6.1 - Hydronic Equipment and Systems & TC 6.2 B District Energy (A. Sleiman)

1.        Did have a seminar at this meeting.

F.                  TC 7.9 - Building Commissioning

1.        Jim Poulos requested a second time to remove him from this liason role as TC 7.9 meets at the same time as 7.8.

2.        Jim will pursue getting some sort of informal liason.

G.                 SSPC 90.1 - Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings & SSPC 62.1 Ventilation and Acceptable IAQ in Commercial Buildings

1.        Nance Lovvorn is not liason but gave a report about Board Meeting yesterday.

d.      3 of 12 people who spoke at Board meeting yesterday spoke about their discomfort with 62 as it is difficult to work with and that 62 requires to much outdoor air which has led to the surging mold problem.

e.       Manufacturer spoke against ASHRAE Special Project 102 – Advanced Design Guide for Small Buildings as it is not a consensus document.  It is a peered reviewed document though.

i)                    Ken Gillespie has reviewed the draft document.  It is intended to provide engineers with a way to push the envelope on design without list.  Due to schedule limitations, some analysis could not be done which may have had the manufacturer concerned.

H.                  TC 6.6 Service Water Heating – (Jim Early)

III.              Old Business           

A.                  Journal Articles

B.                  Agreed to submit article(s) on research project results after it is completed.

C.                  Correspondence

D.                 Agenda will be sent out via email at least one month in advance

E.                  Matt will coordinate with Terry Cornell and Gard on developing a listserve

F.                  Membership Drive (A. Sleiman)

1.        No progress as Alex was on medical leave for quite a while.

2.        Ken Gillespie, Ian Spanswick, Jim Early and Chuck Dale-Derks is interested in joining committee as full members.

IV.              New Business

A.                  David McAlister asked who on staff was familiar with 1237-TRP – Jim Poulos said Steve Vaughn and Mike Comstock.  Jim Poulos will take the lead on coordinating with David McAlister.

B.                  2004/2005 Roster/Chairs

1.        Matt and Klas will coordinate with ASHRAE to update current roster.

C.                  Other New Business

V.                Adjournment

A.                  Meeting adjorned at 3:41 pm.

Attendance                                                            E-mail                                                                    Telephone


Members in attendance:

Klas Haglid (Chair)                                                                      201-447-1839

Jim Poulos (Research Chair)                                             770-270-0100

Matt Mullen (Secretary)                                                                                860-871-1111

Michaela Martin (Program Chair)                                                       856-574-8688

Wayne Robertson                                                                                        404-277-1590

Richard H. Rooley                                                      [44] 1753648040



Members not in attendance:

Richard Jones                                                                614-751-9610

Wayne Webster                                                                  613-824-8364

Gus Foster                                                                                                609-442-0025

Paul Halyard

Bruce Lindsey                                                                                            262-796-3922


Corresponding Members In Attendance:

John Shonder (Handbook Chair)                                                                 865-574-2015

Ian Spanswick                                                                             717-747-0472

James Earley                                                                                            770-216-1362

Bill Thomaston                                                                               205-326-8124

Chuck Dale-Derks                                                                  314-645-6232

Alex Sleiman (Membership Chair)                              651-297-8955


Corresponding Members In Not In Attendance:

Terry Cornell (Webmaster)                                                                           847-698-5689

Barry Amin                                                                                                                                            847-640-0732

Millard Berry                                                                                            716-773-6800

Kirk Bond (Standards Chair)                                                   816-587-0322

Barry Bridges                                                                      651-634-7361

Gustav Foster                                                                                          856-696-0880

Gamini Nanayakkara                                [968] 00968601654

Jay Parikh                                                                                                        201-736-8425

James Schlacter                                                                                   513-777-7722

Jitendra  Singh                                                                                        609-653-2338

Dennis Smith                                                                            703-758-9101

Karl Stum                                                                                                   360-576-1848

Joe Watson                                                                                   252-255-1843

Steven Willard                                                                                                                                      505-241-4602



David McAlister                                                                              770-933-4230

Nance Lovvorn,                                                                                205-980-8737

Barry Abramson                                                            770-933-4230

Ken Gillispie                                                                                                      925-866-5329

Gary Debes (Handbook Liason)                                                 610-640-2308